Attendance Information
Regular attendance is a critical component to face-to-face instruction. Here are a few quick tips for excusing an absence, tardy and arranging an early dismissal. Parents are strongly encouraged to use ParentVUE to monitor their students attendance and to excuse full day absences.
AbsencesUse ParentVUE on the day of an absence or in advance of a planned absence. Using ParentVUE will help expedite your student's attendance to update quickly and help reduce those attendance office-generated alerts.
To excuse a past absence, parent/guardian can email [email protected]. Be sure to include the student's name, reason for absence and dates, as well as the contact telephone numbers. Please reference the word ABSENCE in the subject line of your email message. Parent/guardian have five business days to excuse an absence. Cases in which emails or notes are not received within five days, will be referred to the student’s administrator for approval. Please allow up to two school days for attendance to be updated in ParentVUE.
Early Dismissals
To arrange an early dismissal, parent/guardian need to email [email protected] at least an hour in advance of the requested time of departure. Be sure to include the full name of your student, the reason for the early dismissal and the requested time of the early dismissal. If your student is a driver, indicate that in your email. Please reference the phrase EARLY DISMISSAL in the subject line of your email.
The attendance administrative assistants will verify the request, reply to your email and include your students’ school email indicating they are allowed to leave school. This email will be your student’s early dismissal pass. Students need to show the email to the main office in order to leave the building.
Please keep in mind if you are requesting an early dismissal during a lunch period (4th or 5th block) there may be a delay. Please plan accordingly since your student may be in transition from lunch to his/her class. We appreciate your patience.
When coming to pick up your student for an early dismissal:
- You will need to have your photo ID when you come into the building.
- Please allow time to process your request and have the pass sent to your student's classroom.
If a student arrives to school after 7:30 a.m. they are considered tardy to school. To excuse a tardy, your student will need to bring in a dated, signed note from their parent with a valid excuse or the parent/guardian can email [email protected]. Please reference the word TARDY in the subject line of your email message. Be sure to include the full name of the student, reason for tardy and dates, as well as the contact telephone numbers. Students have two days to turn in a note otherwise, a student is considered unexcused tardy to school. Types of unexcused tardies include:
- Car trouble
- Oversleeping
- Traffic
- Missed ride/bus
Attendance Questions or Communication
If you have any questions or concerns about attendance, please reach out to our attendance office at 571-248-3200.
Here are some very important points about using ParentVUE:
- This applies to full day absences only, from the current date forward (you cannot use this to request that past absences be excused).
- Please remember to include the student’s full name, the reason for the absence, and the dates that need to be excused in your request—otherwise the request cannot be approved.
- This does not apply to requests for early dismissals or tardies. You will need to email [email protected] for early dismissals and tardies.
- This does not apply to absences for longer than 3 days. For absences longer than 3 days, please apply to your student's alpha administrator for permission.
PWCS Regulation 724-1 : Attendance, Absences, Excuses and Tardies