
Academic Advising & Support

Academic Advising Information for 2024-25

Academic advising for the 2024-25 school year starts in mid-January 2024. The academic advising time allows GHS staff, students, and parents/guardians to discuss the student's graduation requirements, post-high school plans, interests, and opportunities at GHS. There is a lot of information, and this can be overwhelming for students and parents to navigate. We hope that the below information and resources will help students and families prepare for the academic advising process.

Academic Advising Timeline


  • Teachers meet with students and input recommendations for next school year’s placement
  • Student can, but are not required to, input their course preferences through StudentVUE in late January. This is not an official step in the academic advising process. It is a good time for students and families to talk about interests, review graduation requirements, and current grades and progress


  • Academic Advising Meetings
  • Rising 9th graders who are zoned to GHS will have a one-on-one meeting with a GHS counselor in mid-February. If a student misses the days that GHS counselors are at the middle schools, the middle school counselors will meet with those students to assist with high school course selection. All zoned rising 9th graders have been added to a GHS Class of 2028 Canvas page, and the most up to date information, deadlines, and announcements can be found there.
  • What can students expect during academic advising?
  • Every GHS student will have a one-on-one meeting with their school counselor for academic advising
  • In these meetings, the following will occur:
    • A review of their graduation requirements and academic progress
    • A discussion of their interests, career aspirations, and their post-secondary education
    • The selection of their course requests ad at least two alternate course backups for next school year
    • Special Education and English Language Services will be addressed
  • Students will leave with a copy of their transcripts
  • Once entered by a school counselor in the Hub, a student's course requests can be viewed in ParentVue and StudentVue under Course Requests


  • Students and families should ensure that requests are as expected by viewing them in Student and Parent VUE under Course Requests
  • Course requests verification communication will be sent prior to Spring Break and in late April as reminders for families to confirm requests
    • Course requests are used to hire staff, set budgets, and build the school'’'s schedule.
    • It is important that the school have accurate requests from students and families to ensure a smooth start to the new school year in August.


  • Course request change deadline in early May

June to August

  • Student course requests are analyzed and used to inform and build school schedule


  • Student Schedules are released through StudentVUE and ParentVUE the Friday before school starts

Academic Advising Resources

PWCS Course Catalog - (new link coming soon)

Graduation Requirments

Course History in ParentVUE and StudentVUE

PWCS Academic Advising Site

GHS students have access to the GHS Counseling Canvas page. This page has more specific information related to academic advising including specific dates of events and deadlines. A student should reach out to their school counselor if they do not have access to the Counseling Canvas page.

Academic Support

StudentVUE - Real time access to student grades, attendance, course history, course requests, and graduation requirements

Paper Online Tutorial - Free, online tutoring available 24/7

The GHS Student Canvas page often posts tutoring opportunities from clubs such as National Honor Society. GHS students should refer to that page for more specific information.

GHS teachers can be reached if students and families have questions about student progress. Staff emails can be found on the Staff section of the GHS webpage.